Thursday, 18 January 2024

Mongolian Death Worm (2010) - Discount Tremors

I think this review will be like when I used to misbehave at school and get given lines by the teacher.  I'll basically be writing the word 'Tremors' over and over again.  Not much else to say.  In case you're into your cheesy and monster-munching movies and - for some reason - haven't seen the classic 'Tremors' film starring Kevin Bacon, it's about giant man-eating worms who live in the desert.

'Mongolian Death Worm' - as the title basically gives away - is about the same.  The cast are all a bunch of ruffians - similar to the band of rowdy human survivors in 'Tremors.' The creatures look almost identical, only here now they're computer-generated, rather than practically created.  And, to be fair, the worms themselves aren't that bad when they appear on screen (not that they're on screen for as much as I'd probably liked), but the effects do take a bit of a nose dive when things like large explosions have to be artificially made.

If you liked 'Tremors' then you'll probably at least get something out of this.  But the only question is, if you actually have access to 'Tremors' (whether it be on DVD or streaming service) then you might as well watch that and get a 'proper' experience when it comes to man-eating desert-based worms.  I guess if you don't have access to 'Tremors' but you want to watch something like it then this may keep you entertained.  It's not terrible, it's just not as good as 'Tremors' by a mile.

4/10 You can watch this film while you're doing the ironing (you'll still get the general gist of it)

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