Stranded - Eighties Dr Who had better sets (and they wobbled!)
If ever a film had `Made for TV' written all over it, it was `Stranded,' - a film about four astronauts who, in the middle of a year-long stay on the moon, end up stranded there after an asteroid strike.
Once upon a time, Christian Slater was a star. Nowadays, his films go straight to DVD and, from there, into the bargain basement buckets you see by the checkouts at motorway service stations. There's nothing wrong with his performance here. He can act. There's just not much to do here. Yeah, there's some generic terror, but do we care? There are only four people in the cast and none of them have much in the way of backstories for us to get a flavour of what they're like.
It's one of those films you can watch while you're doing something else. If you have ironing to do, bring the ironing board in, set it up, pop in and out to get spare hangers and catch the odd glimpse of the film. You won't miss much in the way of story. Alternatively, wait until it comes on the sci-fi channel - shouldn't be too long.
3/10 Jabba the Hutt wipes himself down with this film
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