Star Trek 6 - Undiscovered Country - A fitting send off for the old guard
Anyone who dares to admit to being into the Trek films will know of the theory regarding how the `even' number films are all a lot better than the `odd' number movies. So, here we have Star Trek 6: The Undiscovered Country and, as the theory goes, it is pretty good.

It's the last full feature film of the original (and now very old) cast and what better way that to duke it out with their old foes - the Klingons. There's less comedy than in Star Trek 4 and less banter than Star Trek 5, it's more a product of its time, set when the Federation are trying to make peace with the Klingons (and released in the cinema not long after the end of the Cold War). It tries - and doesn't quite make it - to be like second outing (The Wrath of Khan), i.e. pitting Captain Kirk against an opposite number/captain. It may not have the drama or suspense, but it is a good adventure which most people should enjoy.
In the wake of the reboot, I'm not sure how many new fans The Undiscovered Country will win over, but, for all of us who remembered the original cast, it's a great and fitting send off for those who have boldly gone for so many years.
8/10 The Force is definitely strong with this one
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