Tuesday, 18 May 2021

Star Trek Generations  - Trek for everyone?

Star Trek (VII) `Generations' had the difficult job of trying to please everyone (or every `Trekkie' at least) by bringing together both Captains of the Enterprise in the same adventure, while, at the same time, not giving too much screen time to the more tried and tested filmic icon, James T Kirk, in favour of the Next Generation.

So, out went the bankable old crew and in came the untested marketing enigma of whether the Next Generation's success on the small screen would translate to the big screen. And it was made so. Just.
Star Trek lore tells that the even numbered films are better than the odds. And, when you compare to the previous `Undiscovered Country' (number 6) and the following `First Contact' (8), you may be inclined to agree.

Generations is not a bad film. It's definitely one of the better odd numbered Star Trek films, but it was hampered with the impossible mission of bridging the gap between old and new. It does its best. The small time the two Captains are together is good fun to watch, just woefully too short. But then again, it's supposed to be the new lot's film, not another James T Kirk affair. Also, back with Kirk, there were only really three main characters (Kirk, Spock and Bones). Since the Next Generation, every regular cast member has been given his or her own set of episodes, therefore all of them are - almost - given their own screen time. Unfortunately, most people only prefer the more interesting characters of Piccard and Data, meaning you have to put up with Beverly Crusher and Ryker at the same time.

Generations won't really win too many new fans over to the Trek Universe. It's more a labour of love. I don't know anyone who truly loves it. They sort of put up with it as a necessary bridging gap between old and new. It's not the best, but it certainly isn't the worse (films 5 and 9 get my vote on that one).

You probably need slightly more than a mild interest in Trek to really enjoy this.

7/10 if I woke up on Groundhog Day and had to watch this again, I could live with that

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