Thursday, 20 May 2021

Star Trek: Nemesis - Not bad, but badly flawed

Like many Trek fans, I have mixed feelings about The Next Generation's final big screen outing. On the surface, it's actually a pretty good little film. It has action (quite a lot, actually), drama and a few lighter moments.

However, there's something about it that just leaves you (and me and the wider audience) a bit cold. I didn't notice the numerous similarities to (Trek II) The Wrath of Khan until I read other people's comments on the internet. My reasons for not looking at it as a classic are due to a lot of it not really making much sense. Despite listening to fans' criticism about Star Trek 9 being little more than a glorified TV episode, the film-makers have tried to go all out on the action front, but, while doing so, have left many glaring gaps in logic which don't ever get addressed. I heard a lot of the film was left on the cutting room floor in an attempt to speed it up and it certainly does come across as rushed.

If you like Trek (or at least the Trek films) you'll probably get at least some entertainment out of Piccard and co's last outing (Piccard and Data are - once again -the central characters. The others all get their moments, but most seems a little forced and the fight scene between Riker and a Romulan near the end seems simply added to remind viewers that he is also just as heroic as Piccard).

Perhaps its major flaw that most people who have watched it have almost loved it. And, in some ways, a film that could have been great, is worse than a film that is simply bad.

7/10 if I woke up on Groundhog Day and had to watch this again, I could live with that

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