Star Wars: Episode VII The Force Awakens - The Force is still pretty strong with this one
Whether (or rather how much) you will like the latest Star Wars instalment (Episode VII: The Force Awakens) will largely depend on how old you are or how much you liked the original. A lot of people hated the ‘prequels.’ I did, too. But then I was born the year the first Star Wars came out and grew up through the eighties on the exploits of Han, Luke and Leia. Therefore, when episodes I, II and III came out, they really couldn’t live up to the originals. I felt – like many – that they relied too much on computer special effects and the characters were just two dimensional.
A lot of people are calling Episode VII a ‘soft reboot.’ That’s largely because it follows what could be described as the original film’s ‘formula.’ Yes, there is certainly a feeling of de ja vu, but then when it’s based on Star Wars, is that such a bad thing? Again, it’s at least better than the prequels. It’s set thirty or so years after Return of the Jedi and we see where the Rebellion versus the Empire has gone. What makes this better than the prequels is that it introduces new characters and links them (relatively seamlessly) with the old ones we know and love. Plus there’s not as much CGI effects, or what there is blends better with the story and isn’t as noticeable.
The new characters have more of a job. They’re young and naturally not as at ease with a project of this scale, but they do their best. A few people have criticised them for their acting shortcomings, but I’m hopeful they’ll get better as the story goes on. Luckily, the ‘old guard’ is on hand to help out. Special mention to Harrison Ford who steps effortlessly back into the role of Han Solo. A lot of people feared it would be Indiana Jones and the Crystal Skull all over again, but the smuggler’s still got it where it counts (and Chewie is pretty cool, too).
Episode VII will appeal to the kids of today. There are enough lightsabre-wielding role models for them to imitate in school playgrounds up and down the country and adults – like me – who grew up with the originals, should like it because it reminds them of what they once loved.
It’s not perfect. It has its flaws. But then didn’t the original trilogy? Who can forget loving the Ewoks when they were five years old, but now we see a bunch of teddy bears defeating the Emperor’s best Stormtroopers, we do tend to roll our eyes. So, if you can see past the hype and that it’s actually a pretty decent attempt at recreating the magic of the originals, while at the same time not setting out to rip it to pieces, then you should definitely give it a go. Even the roly-poly droid BB8 wasn’t as annoying as I thought he’d be (based on what I saw in the trailers!).
7/10 if I woke up on Groundhog Day and had to watch this again, I could live with that
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