Monday, 3 May 2021

Spin - Your head will probably Spin after only a few minutes  

Bloke wakes up, slightly hungover. He has slept with a girl last night that he didn't mean to, as he really likes another girl. He phones his friend and tells him so. The story then progresses in long chunks that are technically flashbacks. Then other people he's interacted in start to phone each other and tell their sides of the stories in flashback form. Soon you don't know what has happened, what is going to happen and who is telling who's side of the story.

What is Spin? I have no idea. It steals elements from dramas, bawdy American Pie-esque teen comedies, hard-hitting adult-themed stories and then tries to overlay one story over another, hopping backwards and forwards in time.

Spin tries so hard to be hip, trendy and modern. Sadly, it's just a complete mess.

If you like films that are made up of a series of smaller stories that overlap, watch 11:14 (starring Patrick Swayze and Hilary Swank) - that's the one for you, it's filled with clever, witty dialogue and storylines that make sense.

They just swear a lot in Spin.

(Michael Biehn, you must really be hard up to star in this - you're worth sooo much more)

4/10 Dumb and Dumber could understand this film

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