I like films which basically tell you everything you need to know about them from their title alone. 'Zombie Strippers' is definitely one of those. From those two words you should be able to tell whether you're going to love this film, or completely hate it. Personally, I think it's definitely worth a watch if you don't take your movies too seriously. It certainly doesn't take itself seriously.

The characters are pretty much exactly the types you'll expect to find in any similar horror film. The 'stereotypes' are particularly noticeable, such as 'the Mexican man' and the 'Eastern European woman' and so on. You won't remember any of the characters' names when the credits roll. About the only person you might recognise would be Robert (Freddy Krueger) Englund who runs the club. It's always nice to see him without a burned face and spiky fingers and he's probably about the best cast-member when it comes to acting. The rest are pretty forgettable, only being hired for their - er - 'assets,' but they do the job well.
I know some people may find this film distasteful (and not for the amount of blood flying) due to it being about strippers, but it's really not as distasteful as you might think. I'm guessing that mainly guys will go for this, but I think if you enjoy black comedy horror with plenty of gore (which is quite cheaply computer-generated!) and are prepared for something infinitely low brow and stupid then you could do worse than this.
7/10 if I woke up on Groundhog Day and had to watch this again, I could live with that
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