Now You See Me - It's not often that a tag-line is true
However, in the case of `Now You See Me,' the marketing line which accompanies the promotional posters reads, `Original, exciting and unpredictable.' And, amazingly, it is!

The first thing to say is that it's an `all star' cast. Of course the only trouble is that, having so many talented actors in one place, means not all of them get the screen time/character development they deserve. The direction is slick and the film looks and feels like part of the `MTV generation.' It is a case of `style over substance,' but there's so much style that you should just sit back and enjoy the ride. Once you get involved in the chase then you'll forget about any slight lack of substance.
With any big budget movie, you may have to `suspend your disbelief' a bit, but, again, if you're munching popcorn and just enjoying trying to guess what's going to happen, you should be able to forgive the film for one or two leaps of faith.
Now You See Me is absolute `mind candy' - simply something to enjoy. Don't take it too seriously and you'll be guaranteed a couple of very entertaining hours film-watching.
It is `original, exciting and unpredictable,' but don't go adding `realism' in there, or you may end up being a little disappointed.
8/10 The Force is definitely strong with this one
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