Monday, 10 February 2020

Scary Movie 5 - Ask yourself a question...

...if you saw someone fall over in the street, not really hurting themselves, would you laugh? Probably. However, if you saw someone fall over in the street twenty to thirty times, would you still find it that amusing?

Unfortunately, the latest in the Scary Movie franchise does to rely on people simply falling over again and again (and again) to get the majority of its laughs. And this is a shame, because - believe it or not - there are actually some quite amusing moments in the film.

The first Scary Movie (if you can remember that far back!) parodied Scream and, as a result, followed the story pretty closely. Therefore, Scary Movie (1) actually HAD a story. By the time we arrive at number five, it's a mish-mash of a dozen different horror films, therefore there's hardly a story to speak of. Yes, most of it tries to copy `Mama' (and if you haven't seen Mama then most of the remaining gags will probably be lost on you), but expect moments from Evil Dead, Paranormal Activity, Inception, Black Swan and Rise of Planet of the Apes.

However, it's not all bad. Ashley Tisdale is surprisingly enjoyable and dippy to watch (a reasonable substitute for the missing Anna Farris) and the opening with Charlie Sheen and Lindsey Lohan mercilessly lampooning themselves is sheer comedy gold (just a pity they're only in the first ten minutes).

If you're a fan of the series, you may get some enjoyment out of it. I think it's certainly better than parts 2 and 4 (which I hated). However, you really have to know ALL the horror movies lampooned to get maximum enjoyment out of it (plus be able to overlook the numerous pratfalls which make up too much of the film).

6/10 Should probably keep you awake if Freddy Krueger was haunting your nights

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