Inside - Sadly, one good performance doesn't make a movie
I'm hardly a fan of Luke Goss. I remember him from his Bros days and always found it hard to take him seriously as an actor. `Inside' is a film which is basically set inside two dark prison cells for almost the whole movie. Therefore, the `cast' is effectively Luke Goss and the cellmate next door.
For a movie to work like that, you need to have a pretty strong lead. Amazingly, Luke Goss pulled it off. He's obviously come a long way in terms of his acting ability and I really wanted to like the film as much as I admired his performance.

Yes, it creates a claustrophobic atmosphere and there are the odd bits that might make you jump, but, ultimately, this film is never going to appeal to the masses. If you were a die-hard fan of `single-location' films like `Buried' you might be able to sit through this, otherwise steer clear.
Full marks to Luke Goss for a great performance, now he just needs an equally decent vehicle to match his ability.
4/10 You can watch this film while you're doing the ironing (you'll still get the general gist of it)
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