Saturday, 22 February 2020

Scavengers - Like Dr Who, but without the appeal

Oh, dear... where to begin. ‘Scavengers’ is a case of something trying to be more than it actually is. The special effects are pretty blatantly computer-generated which doesn’t help, but, if it had a decent story or something, I’ll wager that most science fiction fans could forgive it its shortcomings.

Basically, you have a good ship and a bad ship, both vying for the same salvage in deep space. How do we know which ship is good and which ship is bad? Because both a equally as close to the precise definition of ‘good’ and ‘evil’ as you could get – making them both pretty clichéd. The ‘good’ ship has nice, attractive, kind people who live in a brightly-lit ship with white walls. The ‘bad’ spaceship is filled with creepy, gothic-looking people who only want to kill people (and the walls of their ship are black and dimly-lit).

The ‘story’ (for what it is) is just bouncing back from one ship to the other while they try to fight over the salvage (which is worth something... by the way). And it’s not just the effects that are a bit shoddy. The script is pretty tired and the actors don’t seem to have enough enthusiasm in them to lift the dialogue above its mediocre roots.

It has a real ‘made for TV’ feel to it. It’s not the worst movie ever made, but it’s far from being the best. If you like you sci-fi a little sparse on the sets and effects department, watch Dr Who – it also has a story and reasonable actors.

3/10 Jabba the Hutt wipes himself down with this film

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