Tuesday, 25 February 2020

Waxwork - It gets better

For the first half of this film I was contemplating turning it off. It was the acting that got me. I know you should never expect Oscar-worthy performances from slasher films, but this one was even worse than usual. Plus it seemed to be more like a clipshow from lots of horror films than a single story.

Guys, if you're ever wondering how to attract women then this film has the answer: wait until you're about fifty then stand in the street wearing the most garish clothes you have. Do your hair in a comb-over then when two teenage schoolgirls pass by, invite them to your midnight show at a waxwork museum that's located in your average suburban street. Don't worry, they won't call the police on you - amazingly, they'll show up (and even bring their friends!).

Again, that was another aspect I didn't like. The teens enter the wax museum and end up being picked off one by one in a different `horror setting.' But, bear with it, there is a story somewhere in there.

However, I stuck with it and I'm glad that I did. It's no classic, but it was silly and entertaining - which is all I ever expect from a horror movie. It wasn't that horrific, but it had plenty of rubber monsters being impaled on things (hey, it was made in the eighties after all - what do you expect!?) which is all most people want from their horror. So, if you can ignore the many plotholes in the first half, the second half is daft enough in a good way to be entertaining.

Plus at least it doesn't have Paris Hilton in it (unlike the remake)

6/10 May just keep you awake if Freddy Krueger was haunting your nights

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