Monday, 5 February 2024

Rapture-Palooza (2013) - So, so dumb (and yet actually quite funny)

It's easy to sum films up as either 'good' or 'bad' and yet I like to think there's at least one more (blanket) term that can be applied to them - and that's 'enjoyable.' I wouldn't say 'Rapture-palooza' is a good film and yet I say through it right up until the end with no regrets and a silly smile on my face.

I'm sure the title can hardly be classed as a 'spoiler' so I'll point out that the 'rapture' occurs right at the beginning where 99% (roughly) of the Earth's population are taken up to heaven to be judged by our Creator.  The story therefore takes place surrounding those left behind.

If the movie does have a - major - fault is that it starts out too strong.  I know there's a saying 'show, don't tell,' but the big laughs come in lead actress, Anna Kendrick's, dry narration of the world as it now exists.  After that five minute (comedy!) exposition dump, the jokes do - unfortunately - slow down, but it's still funny enough to stick with.

After we've learned about the society (and ignored any plot holes which may arise - and there are a few - as sometimes the world breaks the rules it's literally laid out in the previous scene, simply to move the plot forward) we find that the Antichrist (Craig Robinson) has descended among us - and naturally needs to be stopped.  At first I liked his portrayal as the antagonist, but the constant 'gutter humour' did grate after a while.  I get it.  He's not supposed to be likable - he is the Prince of Darkness, after all!  But he still became a little bit annoying and over-the-top, but fortunately he's a good enough actor reel in his own performance to prevent his character from ever being a barrier from entertaining.

Overall, this is just a dumb, fun film.  There's nothing really amazing about it, but if you're in the mood for something light to enjoy and rest your brain to, give it a go.

7/10 if I woke up on Groundhog Day and had to watch this again, I could live with that

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