Wednesday, 21 February 2024

Boss Level (2020) - So much fun

I'm about to get rid of my Amazon Prime account, so I decided I better watch some of the films that have been languishing on my watchlist for some time.  I'm so glad I watched this one before I lose access.

Yes, it's another take on the tried and tested 'Groundhog Day' formula, so if you have a problem with other movies that copy the 'repeated day' style of film-making, then you might not enjoy this.  However, I've never had a problem with them and I definitely love some old 'nineties style' over-the-top action.

In fact, while we're on the subject of the nineties, if you believe what's written about this film online you'll see that the script has been kicking around Hollywood since the nineties and it's only just made its way onto the screen.  I can actually see that being true as it's so over-the-top in its action that it's right up there with similar classics of the genre, like 'Con Air, Speed' and 'The Rock.'

Here, a special forces agent repeatedly wakes up on the same day where he finds a whole army of assassins trying - and succeeding - to kill him.  He's murdered - in variously grisly ways - again and again and has to go on reliving the day until he can figure out what's going on - and obviously find a way of not just reversing this bizarre situation, but also rekindling his relationship with his estranged girlfriend and son.

Yeah, you'll probably see a lot of what coming, coming - if you know what I mean.  I'm not sure how many times I can use the phrase 'over-the-top' in this review, but it's what really should be rubberstamped on this one.  Have you seen any of those old Jason Statham films like 'The Transporter' or 'Crank?' Well 'Boss Level' is kind of set in that universe, if that's any help.

Don't expect a masterpiece, just enjoy having fun.

8/10 The Force is definitely strong with this one

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