Saturday, 24 February 2024

Greenland (2020) - Armageddon it is not

I probably shouldn't have watched this film so close to 'Armageddon' - a classic 'dumb-fun' B-movie from the nineties. 'Greenland' is a modern take on a comet about to crash into the Earth, potentially wiping out the entire human race - and this time Bruce Willis and Ben Affleck weren't on hand to help out.

This time it's much more of a personal tale.  It's ultimately about a family coming together and trying to cross America (and later the world!) in order to reach a safe bunker in (you guessed it) Greenland.  Gerard Butler plays a father who's separated from his wife and son, but, during the story, he needs to reconnect with his family as well as ensuring their safety.

Thinking about it... it's almost like to 'disaster movies' what Tom Cruise's 'War of the Worlds' take was to 'alien invasion' movies.  It's a film where you could rely on big budget special effects and set pieces, or you could use the situation simply as a backdrop to the life of one particular set of people and how they act during the carnage.

So, whether you'll enjoy it kind of depends on what you're looking for.  If you're hoping for something really spectacular with loads of special effects and visual destruction (not to mention cheesy over-the-top action) then I'd definitely recommend 'Armageddon.' However, if you're looking for more of a drama then this is worth giving a go.  There are a few moments of destruction (albeit some that are blatantly low-budget computer-generated) and even one that actually stood out as quite dramatic, but it's more of a drama than all out popcorn epic.

6/10 Should probably keep you awake if Freddy Krueger was haunting your nights

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