The Curse of Humpty Dumpty (2021) - Why did I actually like this?
I'm going to come out with and say that 'The Curse of Humpty Dumpty' is a bad movie. And, to 'prove' that opening gambit, I'm going to go over all the - many - flaws this film has. So, why the hell did I actually like it? Anyway... the bad.
It's about a creepy doll - nothing new in horror terms, but in other (more famous) cases (such as 'Child's Play), part of the 'believability' of the story is that a doll is something cute, if it's a child's toy, or at least presentable - if it's more an adult's display piece. However, this 'Humpty' doll is so damn ugly it's difficult to believe someone would buy it and have it on display.
Secondly, it's too big. Whereas Chucky from 'Child's Play' was simply a big toy - and there's mainly animatronics were used to bring him to life for the screen, when Humpty starts piling up the bodies, you can see it's just a bloke in a - bad - costume.
Then there's the cast. Some of them are okay, but don't expect any Oscar-worthy performances here. I first noticed a couple of the secondary characters were pretty awful in terms of acting (gardener and shop-keeper being the prime examples and the police woman who has one scene must have been a sixth former asked to read a few lines), but then I realised that one of the main characters was also not great when she delivered her lines.
And the cast is small. Not a negative on its own, but when you're - effectively - making a 'slasher' movies, you need a decent amount of victims. Not here. There isn't much killing until the end and you'll know who the first one to go will be.
And finally there's the believability in some scenes. I can suspend my disbelief and go for a doll who can kill people when it comes alive through supernatural forces, but if he kills someone and you can see blood all over the room. Then when another character comes in and discovers it he's cleaned it all up so she's not believed.
So why the hell did I like it? I really did. I know it's no classic, but it held my attention all the way through and I actually quite liked the ending. Maybe it was the - semi - main character who's a middle-aged woman who's suffering from dementia. She was quite a sympathetic character and played it well enough to be believed. I can't really recommend this film as its faults were too glaring to overlook. Yet I enjoyed it, so maybe there's a market for it out there after all.
6/10 Should probably keep you awake if Freddy Krueger was haunting your nights
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