The Rover - I’m guessing people will either love or hate it
‘The Rover’ is one of many ‘post apocalyptic’ films, offering us its vision of ‘life after society.’ This time they don’t bother adding zombies to the bleakness, choosing instead to do something dark, gritty and hopefully realistic (think ‘The Road’ if you’ve seen that).
I’ve seen plenty of ‘revenge films’ where the hero must go on a rampage in order to avenge something. However, this is the first one I’ve seen the hero base his sole purpose in life in order to take back a set of wheels. Unrealistic as that may sound for a plot, I suppose it’s give some added credence by the fact that he doesn’t seem that stable to begin with. And here’s my first problem with the film. I didn’t like Guy Pearce’s character. I’m okay with ‘anti-heroes’ who have to bend and break the rules in order to bring about justice. However, he seems to be pretty much without morals. I won’t go into the exact details, but, soon after meeting our ‘hero’ he doesn’t something pretty dark which doesn’t really make you identify with him. He then meets a guy who looks a bit like a fat version of Robert Pattinson. I later looked on the internet and was shocked when I realised it WAS Robert Pattinson! I’m guessing he wanted to ‘bulk up’ and look as different to his sparkly vampire persona as he could. And he succeeded.
Then the two of them generally continue their quest for a car (and stuff). Now, seeing as The Rover has already been in cinemas, I’m guessing that most people will now watch it on DVD. And here’s the thing... because the ‘story’ is basically either or both Mike from Neighbours and Edward Cullen travelling through the Outback and meeting one dodgy person after the next – then ‘rinse and repeat,’ you can actually use the DVD’s ‘chapter skip’ option to take you through the story and not actually miss anything. Seriously, if you tried pressing the button a few times you wouldn’t miss a single pertinent plot detail. It’s just ‘meet the next grubby character and keep going.
Now, I know I’m being a bit negative about it all, but it does have its good points... namely its look and feel. I mentioned earlier about how it looked like ‘The Road’ (only in the sunnier Outback, obviously). It too is dark in tone, depressing and does a pretty good job at showing how life might be if society fell apart at the seams.
Most people will either love or hate it. And I can see both arguments. You’ll either love how dark and moody it is (dialogue is often pretty light and well spaced-out!), or simply find it dull. There certainly isn’t enough action in it to call it a thrilling action movie. Basically, if you’re in the mood for ‘bleak and slow’ then you’ll get something out of this. An rollercoaster ride-explosion-fest it is not.
6/10 Should probably keep you awake if Freddy Krueger was haunting your nights
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