Wednesday, 23 December 2020

Love Is All You Need - Not bad (if you can take the subtitles)

Yes, a lot of the more negative reviews are based on the subtitles. And, yes, the whole film is basically subtitled. Although, maybe that wouldn't be so bad if it really was the whole film. In reality, only HALF is subtitled (as Pierce Brosnan only says one line not in his native tongue).

It's basically a romantic comedy, so I won't spoil the plot, but if you have ever seen a romantic comedy, you won't be too surprised by the outcome. And, it's all good - in as much as the acting is all excellent and everyone plays their parts well. However, my major gripe was that (besides seeing one of the `plot twists' coming a mile off) it was a little too long. Maintaining the pace for about two hours is a lot harder than keeping the happy-go-lucky storyline jogging along for just the ninety minutes.

If you're into your rom-coms then this should satisfy you well enough. It's just a pity it couldn't be a little more trimmed down (and maybe all in English - if I'm being cynical!).

6/10 May just keep you awake if Freddy Krueger was haunting your nights

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