Rubber - I liked this (for "No Reason")
Before you consider watching this movie, you should know two things:
Secondly, I didn't make that up.
If you can suspend your disbelief long enough to get over that, you may just get something out of the film.
It opens with a scene where a police car drives towards the camera, knocking over a multitude of chairs in the road as it goes. When it gets close enough an officer gets out and talks directly to us, the viewers. He explains that some things in films happen for, "No reason." This is the whole basis of the film.
It's weird.
Things happen for no reason.
It's very weird. And, sometimes weird is good, other times weird doesn't work. In this case, I'll go with the former.
If you want a quirky film that doesn't conform to mainstream narratives and conventions, watch Rubber. It's silly. It's surreal. It's fun. It's sort of what David Lynch might do if he'd have thought of the `killer tyre' idea.
One drawback, a few of the scenes go on for a little long - it has the feeling of being a bit `student film studies made,' but it soon picks up in its daftness.
I stayed with it to the end - no reason.
8/10 The Force is definitely strong with this one
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