Thursday, 10 December 2020

Pumpkinhead 3 - Ashes To Ashes - Let's let sleeping pumpkins lie

Yes, the first `Pumpkinhead' film was actually pretty cool - largely helped by Lance Henriksen in the leading role. Then came the sequels - horror sequels. And, true to form, each one seemed to get progressively worse. This one, although by no means horrendous, is simply just trying to cash in on the first film's success.

Yes, Lance Henriksen comes back, but his scenes are fleeting and you really get the feel he's only doing it for an easy paycheque.

However, you do have Doug Brady (or `Pinhead' if you've seen `Hellraiser') and he does his best to lift this film out of the doldrums. However, no matter how good the cast is, you just can't escape the fact that it's a retread of the original which isn't as good.

Yes, there are some decent `monster moments.' The monster himself has always been pretty cool, but then there are also equally some pretty ropey CGI moments, too. It's just a pity they seemed to use all their budget up on the cast and a few good effects and left little room to pay a good writer to come up with something a little more fresh.

3/10 Jabba the Hutt wipes himself down with this film

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