The House Bunny - Low-brow, puerile, nonsensical... and actually quite fun
I probably should find some sort of way of taking my name off this review. I am ashamed to admit it, but The House Bunny is actually quite fun.
It's possibly the most predictable story ever. Everyone should hate this. And everyone probably would if it wasn't for Anna Faris. Not only is she an added attraction for male viewers (just check out the pictures to see what I mean), but she's actually quite loveable. Many a blonde actress has played a blonde bimbo, but she carries it off without being too over-the-top and stupid. Yes, she makes the odd gaffe here and there, but you can't help warming to her as she does mean well in all that she does. In fact, some of Anna Faris' lines and mannerisms are downright hilarious and she would almost carry this on her own, had it not been for Emma Stone who compliments Faris' glamour in her `geekiness.'
Yes, this film is as dumb as any that openly puts a Playboy Bunny in the lead role. But it knows that, right? And anyone who watches it should too.
Basically, watch it, enjoy it, laugh at it, but don't necessarily tell your friends you did.
I'm now off to watch some arty foreign film with subtitles - just to try and convince myself I really do have taste in films.
7/10 if I woke up on Groundhog Day and had to watch this again, I could live with that
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