The Guest - The good outways the bad
It can’t just be me, but when I watch a film, if there’s enough good in there to keep me entertained, I’m much more lenient on it when it comes to its weaknesses. ‘The Guest’ is by no means a perfect film, but I did find it good enough to forgive when its plot went a little skittish.
The first half is pretty tense and creepy with a definite air of foreboding about it. Then, about halfway through, things change and we’re left with something that flits between ‘action’ and ‘eighties slasher.’ I can see why some people found this change a little jarring. The film does try and lead you one way, only to go off on a tangent.
However, despite this, I still enjoyed it. Mainly due to Dan Stevens. Now, I must confess to never having watched Downton Abbey, so I had no idea who he was (in fact... I actually had to look him up online to realise he was British and not American, as his excellent accent would have you believe). He’s a damn good hero. Or should I say antihero? You can’t help but root for him, despite his obvious menacing tendencies. I defy anyone not to cheer as he takes care of some highschool bullies!
Also, within the second act is an ‘explanation’ which brings in some extra characters/threat levels. I won’t go into details as I don’t want to spoil it for you if you don’t know what I’m talking about, but this plot angle isn’t explored as well as it could. There are still a fair few questions left up in the air because some aspects aren’t explained as well as they could have been.
All in all, The Guest is a solid enough little thriller which might have benefited from being a bit more focused. However, if you’re in a forgiving mood, you should be able to see through its minor flaws and enjoy it for what it is.
And, special mention to the electro soundtrack. The Guess has received a lot of praise online from being ‘old school’ and a throwback to the eighties. I guess that element went over my head while I was watching it, but, upon thinking about it, I sort of get it.
7/10 if I woke up on Groundhog Day and had to watch this again, I could live with that
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