The Forgotten - A decent little film (just don’t think too much about it)
I don’t normally write reviews containing ‘Spoilers,’ but it seems that a – semi – spoiler is required to make sure that this film is seen by those who will appreciate it the most. Apparently, ‘The Forgotten’ was not received as well as it might, largely because a proportion of the audience expected a ‘rational’ explanation to why Julianne Moore’s child had gone missing. However (and here’s the semi-spoiler), the ‘explanation’ is anything but ordinary.The Forgotten plays out like an extended episode of ‘The X-files’ (and we all know what was really going on behind the scenes there). So, if you don’t like science fiction, then you’re probably not going to like this.

Although, whereas The X-files’ world was – as best it could – based in reality, The Forgotten doesn’t require looking into that closely. In fact... the more you look into the story, the more plot holes you’ll probably find (and therefore your enjoyment will diminish with each fact you find which is most likely impossible in real life). However, as with most films, The Forgotten isn’t real and therefore you need to seriously suspend your disbelief to get anything out of it.
So, if you like X-films-type films/tales and are prepared not to overlook certain elements of the story which would probably be impossible to pull off in the real world, then you should enjoy this. The performances are good, it has a decent amount of tension and is suitably creepy where required.
Don’t look too hard at the story... just watch the skies!
7/10 if I woke up on Groundhog Day and had to watch this again, I could live with that
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