Thanatomorphose - Nice make-up (shame about the story)
The marketing would have you believe that `Thanatomorphose' somehow resembled a David Cronenberg movie, based on how it's a `horror' film about the human body (and the disgusting ways it can be mutilated). However, that is where the similarity ends. Cronenberg's films also had a story and engaging characters. This has neither.

The two main characters spend so much time wandering round their apartment naked, you may be forgiven for thinking they're nudists. In fact... it gets a bit annoying in the end as there's clearly no reason for it all the time (like cleaning the flat in the nude etc). The story is about a woman whose body starts to slowly decay. Here's where the good make-up comes in, as it is pretty disgusting (about the film's only plus point). You may feel some sympathy for her if she was a bit more sensible. I imagine that if such a horrifying affliction descended on any one of us, the first thing we'd do is seek medical attention. She doesn't. Even when a friend comes calling and sees she's clearly unwell, she refuses to go to the hospital with him. Therefore we start to lose sympathy for her plight if she's clearly that stupid. Her boyfriend is not so daft - merely horrible. He's violent and a user - hardly hero material.
If you're looking for various gross scenes, you'll find them here. However, if you want talking, decent characters and a story, move along...
4/10 You can watch this film while you're doing the ironing (you'll still get the general gist of it)
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