Project X - X marks the spot
I didn't actually get why this film was called `Project X' - I must have popped out the room to make a cup of tea of something, but, no matter, I think I understood the rest of the film pretty well.
It does it from a `first person perspective' (think Blair Witch just with even more bodily fluids and a proper ending) where all footage is either filmed on handheld camera, or someone's cameraphone. It follows the exploits of three high school boys who try and bump up their popularity by throwing a `wild' party. And they do just that. The two thousand guests who attend end up being the least of their problems compared to flamethrowers and riot police - you'll have to watch it to find out.
I found it worth a watch. Yes, you have to put up with plenty of annoying teenagers and some people have said that it's `pro-drug taking' so you can probably guess some of the things they get up to.
Apparently the people who made it had something to do with The Hangover. Well, I didn't find it half as funny as The Hangover, but I didn't really think it was supposed to be a straight out comedy. It's more a warning of the dangers of social networking (not to mention trusting your teenage kids with your house when you go away from the weekend).
Project X will probably play best with teenagers who can relate to it, but if you're into those cringeworthy `jackass' type shows, you may enjoy it too.
7/10 if I woke up on Groundhog Day and had to watch this again, I could live with that
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