Millennium - Good premise. So-so execution
I'd never heard of 'Millennium' and have only just got round to watching it. That's probably because it seems to have been a bit forgotten in terms of classic/cult eighties sci-fi films. And that's a shame, because it has many good moments that deserve a little more love.

Now, I'd got about a quarter of the way into this film and I was really enjoying it, wondering why it wasn't more popular than it was. It's well shot, well acted, the premise is interesting and, best of all, when we do see the 'future-world' it's pretty cool. However, just as I was really getting into it, the story slowed to practically as stand-still and (thanks to its time travel narrative) - literally - went over old ground and spent a fair portion of the film telling us something that we already had seen, only in a longer, more pointless version.
Granted, it picks up again towards the end and, talking of the final act, the ending does leave a little bit up to your own interpretation, so if you like your stories totally cleared-up then you could be a bit disappointed.
This was a shame, as if this middle segment could have been reworked, then the whole film would have benefited (and possibly found its way to a wider, more appreciative/mainstream audience). I'd probably recommend it now to people who like cheesy, eighties 'Dr Who-esque' sci-fi, as I have a strange feeling that our favourite Time Lord may even have copied a few elements displayed here.
Special mention to the android who was almost as sarcastic as 'K-2SO' from 'Rogue One.'
6/10 Should probably keep you awake if Freddy Krueger was haunting your nights
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