Lifeforce - Is there such a thing as an ‘epic B-movie?’
‘Lifeforce’ is terrible. Almost. Actually, it’s quite good fun. And terrible. Work that one out for yourself. It’s one of those films that tries to be really great, as if it has aspirations that it’s going to be the next ‘Godfather’ film, only to end up being more akin to ‘Flash Gordon.’

The dialogue is cheesy, the special effects not that special and its main selling point is the fact that the lead actress spends her time in a state of full undress. But it tries. And, in some way, that kind of makes up for its failings. You can’t help but feel kindly towards the film because it really does its best to live up to what it wants to be. It doesn’t really have the budget of Species; instead we have a British spaceship (the ‘Churchill,’ obviously!) encountering an alien craft which has got caught in the tail of Halley’s comet. Once they board it, they unleash a trio of hungry alien vampires upon England. Now it’s up to the only surviving American space pilot from the mission and an SAS colonel to hunt her down and stop her sleeping her way through the nation’s men.
It’s the kind of film where you have to (a) know what you’re getting and (b) be in the mood for. If you’re expecting an epic sci-fi drama which is truly terrifying and/or you’re hoping for action aplenty, then you’re probably better off watch one or other of Alien or Species. However, if you’re ready to overlook the slightly stilted acting (and the terrible puppet of Patrick Stewart’s head) and gaping plot holes, then give it a go – you might be surprised.
And, if all else fails, most guys won’t mind spending a couple of hours watching Mathilda May and her ever decreasing wardrobe.
8/10 The Force is definitely strong with this one
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