Monday, 15 June 2020

Below - Surprisingly enjoyable B-movie romp 

The crew of an American World War II submarine, pick up three survivors of a sunken British navel vessel. As soon as they do, strange - and by `strange' I mean ghostly - things start to happen.

With a plot like that `Below' could well simply fall into that seemingly bottomless abyss of horror films that are pretty forgettable - it has no major stars in it and would probably never get a mainstream release in the cinema. However, the fact that the submarine looks extremely authentic and the external shots of the vessel at sea are also very realistic, means that the film makes itself look more like a straight war film with a decent budget.

The cast all do a good job with the script and the claustrophobic setting of the submarine adds to the tension. Soon, things become pretty tense as the crew's bodies start to pile up.

If you like horror/ghost stories, this one is a slight cut above the masses of others on DVD.

7/10 if I woke up on Groundhog Day and had to watch this again, I could live with that

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