Flash Gordon - The best film ever (end of discussion)
In millions of years time, when the Earth has been blasted to atoms (probably by a `freak' meteor storm, or something), aliens will come down to our charred and lifeless planet and collect a DVD of Flash Gordon (the movie), in order to preserve it for the benefit of the rest of the universe. It really is that good.

Did I mention they have lasers? Well, they do - LOTS of them - lasers blasting every which way you can see. And all to the soundtrack of one of the best rock bands ever - Queen.
In today's world of dark and serious cinema (I'm thinking Christopher Nolan's Batman saga and Daniel Craig's James Bond flicks) most people have forgotten just how much fun `camp and silly' films could be. Flash Gordon is just that - camp and silly. It never tries to be anything other than great, big, silly fun. And it succeeds.
It's worth noting that it's so enjoyable that it played a major part in Seth McFarlane's `Ted' movie (which I would recommend you check out if you have a `Family Guy' type humour).
Don't expect greatness when you sit down to watch Flash. Just expect great fun. And remember... he'll save every one of us!
10/10 The Monty Python Knights of Camelot are currently looking for this
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