Wake Wood - Pet Sematery: UK-style
Yeah, in almost every review of 'Wake Wood' there's a mention of Stephen King's 'Pet Sematery,' so I figured I'd get my reference out of the way early. I guess there's a reason everyone compares the two as the basic premise is exactly the same, i.e. a couple lose a child in a horrific accident and go to supernatural lengths to bring their loved on back.
And, if that sort of slow-moving family horror appeals to you (and you haven't seen the Hollywood version!) then you'll probably like it. However, if - like me and so many others - you've grown up with 'Pet Sematary,' this film just feels like it's - mainly - retreading old ground. But it's not bad.
The performances are all fine. The child at the centre of it all could be awful (based generally on child actors in horror movies!), but is perfectly fine, leaving the bulk of the acting to be carried on the adults around her. For any of you 'Game of Thrones' fans out there, the leading man in none other than 'Littlefinger' from the TV series, Aiden Gillen. I have to say I enjoyed his performance here (as well as his now more famous role) and his character goes through the most 'development' in 'Wake Wood' (although I won't mention how due to possible 'spoilers'). Timothy Spall is the 'acting heavyweight' on the cast list who adds a little more 'gravitas' to the film and, although his part is more of a 'back-up' character he's a solid addition.
If you're hoping for a gruesome horror than you'll be sorely disappointed. There isn't much gore here, therefore there's never much need for high budget special effects. The scenery deserves a mention as the countryside is indeed beautiful and adds to the film's overall bleak and cut-off feel.
It's a slow burner and, although nothing spectacular, anyone who hasn't seen 'Pet Sematary' should get a lot out of it. For those of us more familiar with the Hollywood incarnation, we'll probably end up sticking with that, but there are still a couple of plot twists that even hardened horror buffs might not see coming.
6/10 May just keep you awake if Freddy Krueger was haunting your nights
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