The Innkeepers - Only for fans of really sloooow moving horror
The Innkeepers' cover artwork is a little misleading (I haven't seen the trailer, so I can't comment on that). It shows a blooded hand ringing a bell, implying that this will be some sort of gore-fest. It isn't. It is however one of the slowest moving horror films ever. I use the term `horror' over supernatural because on the 2-3 parts of the film where it actually gets scary, the scenes would probably fit more with other, more mainstream popcorn horror films.

Most of the film is character-building. The two youngsters play their parts well. They're endearing and easily-related to. The story progresses and the tension slowly mounts. Slowly. This is where the film could fall down for some. I've checked other reviews and it seems that people either love or hate the film. Some see it as not that much of a horror - more a slow-burning suspenseful ghost story, putting characters over gore. Others simply find it too slow to be scary and/or exciting.
I fall somewhere between the two. The characters and the way the actors portray them deserves credit and there is certainly an air of tension created. However, I would have liked a few more scares and a little more action somewhere along the way.
This film will find an audience, but whether you'll enjoy it will depend on how `fast-paced' you like your movies.
6/10 May just keep you awake if Freddy Krueger was haunting your nights
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