Monday, 13 January 2020

Trick ‘r Treat – Cheeky little anthology

I’m not sure how this ‘film’ was made, but it strikes me that someone had a few good ideas for some spooky/gory tales, but none of them were quite long enough to stretch out to become an entire full-length movie.  Therefore someone along the way came up with the idea of putting them all together and loosely stitching them into each other like some Frankenstein’s monster of a horror film.  Hardly inspiring, but quite good fun.

‘Trick ‘r Treat’ is – roughly – three different stories that all take place on Halloween in a small American town.  They’re strung together by characters that mainly star in one story, only to pop up as secondary characters/extras in other tales.  And, if you’re looking to watch an enjoyable little horror film on, or around, Halloween, then this could certainly be the one for you.

However, it could hardly be considered as ‘scary.’ It’s far too self-knowing and tongue-in-cheek for that.  Yes, there is gore (and it’s not bad for a film that has a low budget), but the red stuff tends to fly in the most hilarious and outrageous ways possible, therefore making the overall feel more akin to a ‘black horror/comedy’ than something that’re actually trying to creep you out.  Plus there's few scenes with violence and nudity, so don't go thinking that this is 'fun for all the family.'

About the biggest star attached is ‘True Blood’s’ Anna Paquin, who is pretty good with what she has to work with and does her best not to be a clone of her TV show’s character Suki.  You also have acting heavyweight Brian Cox on the cast list who doesn’t really do as much as I’d thought they could have used someone with his acting talents (in fact, I felt his story was the weakest of the bunch).

I won’t go into what happens during each tale as – possibly – the best part about this film is that it does it’s best to surprise you with how everything turns out.  I believe the current phrase is ‘subverting expectations.’ So, don’t try and find out too much about what happens, just enjoy this for a cheesy, gory chuckle at Halloween.

7/10 if I woke up on Groundhog Day and had to watch this again, I could live with that

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