Inseparable - Silly, predictable, but also quite fun
Kevin Spacey. Do you like him? If so, you should probably like this film because, like so many of his films of late, he basically carries the whole affair. That's not saying the other actors are bad (they're all quite good, actually), but it's just that Spacey has the best part, therefore all the best lines to go with it.

It's also a bit of a mind-bender. Don't expect it to be an easy ride when it comes to near the end and the frequent use of subtitles will mean you have to pay attention at all times.
It's not the most original of films (in fact there's a very famous film starring Brad Pitt that it - loosely - reminded me of, but I won't say which as it might give away important plot points). However, Spacey is as good as ever and it's a watchable way of spending an hour and a half. It's not a classic, but you shouldn't feel too disappointed.
6/10 May just keep you awake if Freddy Krueger was haunting your nights
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