Seconds Apart - After ages, Afterdark finally get it right!
In case you don't know, Afterdark are a film company who make horror movies. These films normally consist of six stupid teenagers getting stranded somewhere and then getting eaten by a monster/a cannibal/a ghost - take your pick. In short, Afterdark films are those you only watch if you're really not expecting too much.
I remember there were two twins at my old school. They were skinny little boys with squeaky voices and they got bullied. However, in 'Seconds Apart,' you really shouldn't pick on twins Seth and Jonah - they have telepathic powers and they ain't afraid to use them!
Seth and Jonah, played by real life twins, are genuinely creepy as they set about their evil ways. The story plays out a bit like a slightly extended episode of 'The X-files,' only without Scully and Mulder. Instead, we have a cop (seemingly the ONLY cop in the town who is allowed to drink on duty and slap a child in a crowded school dining hall and get away with it) who, upon finding suicide victims, automatically suspects locals twins because of a suspicion that they might have telepathic powers (good call, huh?). But kind of leap of faith can be forgiven on account that the story is pretty good. I won't say too much as there are even some things that you might not see coming. It's definitely worth a watch. However, on second viewing, it did drag a little and I felt it was actually a bit predictable - but then I had seen it before, albeit many years ago.
All I'll say is... if you see a pair of twins holding hands near you - RUN!
WARNING: I think it's also fair to point out that this film has a scene where two people OVER the age of forty kiss (that was possibly the most horrific part for me).
7/10 if I woke up on Groundhog Day and had to watch this again, I could live with that
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