Wednesday, 4 December 2019

The Warriors - An old school classic

The Warriors was quite a daring film when it was released in 1979 and still seems a little daring, even to this day. There isn't that much gore (I think I counted only one shot involving blood, which is a mere red drop in the ocean when you compare the film to the average zombie movie of today which is filled with CGI blood spurts) and the profanity isn't half as bad as you'd hear in a Tarrintino film. However, the fact that the `heroes' we're supposed to root for are actually pretty unlikeable, consisting of a gang who gets by on thieving and beating people up, it means that there's few truly `good' characters to identify with.

The Warriors themselves are a New York gang who are framed for the murder of another gang leader and forced to go on the run to get back to their part of the city. Some people have criticised the film for being repetitive. To be fair, they do have a point. Much of the film is showing the gang escaping one rival gang after another. However, the film isn't that long and, despite there not being that much in the way of a story, the action is pretty tense.

If you're a fan of crime dramas/thrillers (there's not that much here that could be described as `action') then give this one a go. It's dark and moody and definitely a sign of the time. Would it get made today? Possibly, but the true seventies feel of it gives it some added kudos that a remake would never have.

7/10 if I woke up on Groundhog Day and had to watch this again, I could live with that

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