Feast - To appreciate this film you must...
(a) Find somewhere comfy to watch this
(b) Take your brain out and put it somewhere where it won’t have to think much
(c) Crack open the popcorn (or ‘comfort food’ substitute)
(d) Enjoy
‘Feast’ is just about the most low-brow film you’re ever likely to see. It’s also one of the best. The plot is simple... monsters attack a bar at night. Those inside must fight for their life.
Nothing new there, but it’s still fun. Every movie should know what it is before it’s filmed. If it’s a drama, it should stay a drama. Same goes for comedy, sci-fi and the rest. This film knows it’s not serious and it plays to its (black humour) strengths.
It takes great pride in defying the usual horror/monster movie conventions and breaks them in the most grisly and bl00dy fashion.
It’s totally dumb fun and should become any horror fan’s guilty pleasure movies. If you’re looking for ‘deep and meaningful’ you won’t find it here, so move on. I refer to my opening statements – remove brain and enjoy it as much as I did (I’m now off to find where I left my brain now it’s over... or I could leave it where it is and watch Feast 2 and 3 while I’m at it?).
9/10 almost as perfect as The Godfather
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