Tuesday, 24 December 2019

30 Minutes or Less - Was this meant to be a comedy? 

I seem to recall seeing the trailer for this and thinking it looked kind of funny. Jesse Eisenberg plays his typically geeky and hard done by character once again; this time he's a pizza delivery boy who gets tricked into robbing a bank by two local idiots who somehow know how to strap a bomb-vest around him and give him ten hours to get them one hundred thousand dollars.

I quite liked the idea, but the story didn't seem to know what it was or where it was going. I think the main problem I had with it was the script. In the absence of anything either funny or clever to say, the writers went for volume. There was barely a line delivered at a normal pitch. People just yelled at each other to make up for the fact that no witty dialogue was available at the time.

I guess if you look at this film as more of a tongue-in-cheek thriller, you may get something out of it. However, it's not serious enough to be a thriller and it's definitely not funny enough to be a comedy. Drama maybe? I can hardly see it cropping up on many Academy Award nomination lists.

I did laugh once - about midway through the film and thanks to some unexpected blue stuff.

I guess Jesse's laughs are being stored for Zombieland 2 or something.

Disappointing. It was a nice idea that had no idea. 

6/10 May just keep you awake if Freddy Kruger was haunting your nights

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