No One Lives - Short and to the point
I actually quite liked this, even though it didn't have any particularly well-known actors in it, memorable special effects or was even that original.

It is violent. Expect a high body count, filled with some particularly grisly deaths. I can also see some people not liking it due to the characters - they're all pretty unlikeable and you may find it hard to care whether most of them live or die, let alone identify with their plight. But I think that's kind of the idea.
It's supposed to be dark and nasty, so, if you're in the mood for that and can put up with dialogue that sometimes can be a little ropey, then this one will fill an hour and twenty minutes of your time. You'll either think it's complete rubbish, or an undiscovered cult classic.
7/10 if I woke up on Groundhog Day and had to watch this again, I could live with that
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