Ink - Words can't describe this film
I really wanted to simply write WATCH THIS FILM and leave it there. However, I shouldn't be that blatant, as this is definitely one of those films which won't appeal to everyone.

I guess if you mix a small pinch of Inception with Donnie Darko, add a tablespoon of The Matrix and a healthy portion of Russian sci-fi epic Nightwatch, then set it all to the musical score of a Richard Kelly film, you're in the right area of Ink.
If you like your films quirky and beautifully-shot (including the action sequences), plus have some decent characterisation with some captivating musical scores, then give this one a go. However, if you want wall-to-wall action with little plot, character development and Michael Bay's name on the credits, steer well clear.
You'll notice I haven't even mentioned the storyline in this review. If you like this sort of art-house, indie film and are going to watch it, it's best you don't. You'll never get another chance to be amazed at no knowing what's coming.
Plus this is a rare example of what can be achieved with a limited (by Hollywood's general standards) budget.
9/10 almost as perfect as The Godfather
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