There are few films as well done as 'There's Something About Mary.' Of course that doesn't mean that it's for everyone, as there are some scenes there that some may find 'offensive,' but, apart from those few who are easily shocked by scenes of 'adult humour,' it should be appreciated by most.

I've already mentioned the humour. It's NOT for all the family. There are plenty of jokes that could be considered (a) bad taste (b) adult in nature or (c) both. However, don't go thinking that this is going to be some sort of raunchy adult comedy with bawdy characters constantly engaging in slapstick comedy and who you won't care about. Somehow, this film actually gives us some rather touching moments which go a little deeper than your average 'boy meets girl' film.
It's probably something about the cast. Sometimes everything (or I should probably say everyONE) just falls into place. It's hardly an 'ensemble' film, but there are a few different characters to keep track of and therefore some different story arcs to follow. Most of the marketing of the movie was focused on (then!) Box Office goldmine Cameron Diaz and you could be mistaken for thinking that she was practically starring in the film all on her own. However, it's worth mentioning that Ben Stiller and Matt Dillon are both excellent in their roles. They provide some great conflict and male insecurities which contrast Diaz's sweetness.
The other two characters that are worth a mention are Chris Elliot and Lee Evans. Elliot isn't given as much screen time as the rest, but whenever he's in front of camera he's worth every moment. If the film has a weak spot - in my opinion - it's Lee Evans. I don't know why, but I've never been a fan of his manic stand-up and I find his performance about as enjoyable as his 'gags.'
Perhaps the best thing about the film is that - even after over twenty years - it's still as funny as it was when it first came out. It doesn't seem to have aged at all and, whether you're just looking for a 'boy meets girl' film, or something a little more outrageous and adult in nature, this one should tick all the boxes you're looking for. And, if your only knowledge of the film is that off picture of Cameron Diaz with the funny hair-do, then the scene that you'll be waiting for is very much worth the wait.
8/10 The Force is definitely strong with this one
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