Yes, movies like `Inception' where the plot twists and turns are clever and tax your brain as you try to figure them out. But there's also something to say for the totally simple movies that need no real brainpower to understand them because they're just so perfect the way they are.

Naturally, it's pretty horrific in places and there's one scene in particular where a nice little doggie decides he wants to chew on... er, I won't say - let's just say it's something inside you that you don't ever want to see on the outside (let alone disappearing down a Border Collie's throat!). The film-makers (courageously?) decided to opt for animatronic special effects, rather than the computer-generated variety. Again, I think this is a benefit. It gives the film a more 'realistic' feel and you know that all the werewolves are definitely on set, as opposed to being added on in post production at a later stage.
However, it's not just wall to wall gore and action. Along with the horror and gunfire you have just enough humour added to the mix to make it part 'black comedy' as well. A platoon of rough and ready grunts may not be the most likeable bunch of cinematic heroes, but the humour really helps you root for them as they're stage their heroic stand against some pretty overwhelming odds.
Basically, if you like either horror or action (especially served with a dose of dark comedy) then this one's for you. Yes, it's cheap, but it's all the better for not trying to compete with `Hollywood blockbusters' on their terms. And, if you're not familiar with a great deal of British slang, you may just learn a new word here and there!
9/10 almost as perfect as The Godfather
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