Red 2 - Who said Red was dead?
Did you see the first `Red' film? If you did and you liked it then you'll basically like this, too. It's more of the same, but that's not necessarily a bad thing when you're onto a winner.

Yes, it's fun. That's all. It's not meant to be taken serious and anyone who tries will end up hating it. It's a bit like the old Bond films. We know that - deep down - these people would never be able to do the things that they do, but, in order to enjoy the film, we happily suspend our disbelief and allow ourselves to be swept along for the ride.
It has a stellar cast - all recognisable and A-list - and they all seem to be enjoying themselves. This shows and helps the sense of fun. It may not be as stylish as the Mission Impossible films and certainly isn't as gritty as the new Bond films, but if you like your action films and enjoy seeing your heroes spout a few cheesy one-liners after despatching vast quantities of bad-guys then you should like Red 2.
As I said about the original Red - any film where Dame Helen Mirren fires a machine gun is worth a couple of hours of my life.
7/10 if I woke up on Groundhog Day and had to watch this again, I could live with that
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