The Heat - It's all about the banter
It's amazing that no one has thought of doing this before: a female buddy/cop movie. Here we have straight-laced FBI agent Sandra Bullock, forced to work with loudmouthed, scruffy beat cop Melissa McCarthy.

You'll probably predict everything that happens, but, if you allow yourself to be wrapped up in the sheer bickering between the two leads, you should enjoy yourself.
It is an `adult' comedy, so the 15 certificate rating is definitely applicable due to foul language and violence.
There have been some criticisms saying that its drawback is that it's simply too unrealistic to be funny. Yes, there are some moments which probably wouldn't happen in real life (McCarthy berating her boss in front of the whole office, for one), but I think I speak on behalf of the film-makers when I say that this film isn't meant to be taken seriously (it is a comedy after all), so, if you can forgive the odd moment where you really do have to suspend your disbelief in order to get maximum enjoyment out of it, then you should find it a harmless, fun movie to eat popcorn to.
8/10 The Force is definitely strong with this one
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