Warlock - How did this one pass me by?
`Warlock' was released over twenty years ago and I've only just got round to watching it. And, I have to say, better late than never. It really is a fun movie.

And, `our movie' happens to be in the same ball park as other great chases through Los Angeles. Due to the film's L.A. setting and the fact that we have two superhuman leads squaring off against one another, I couldn't help but think of 'Terminator.' However, due to budget constraints, it's not quite as slick as the cyborg epic and falls more into those lower budget versions, such as 'Dark Angel' and 'The Hidden.' But then I also loved 'Dark Angel' and 'The Hidden,' so I didn't mind.
'Warlock's' special effects certainly aren't that special, but, by the time you find yourself laughing at how they portray someone `flying' (I'm sure if you look closely you can see the wires) you should already be enjoying the whole film too much to really care.
Take the whole thing with a big pinch of salt. It certainly does. The dialogue is nice as our `out of time' hero struggles to adapt to modern day living and women who wear make-up. All in all, it's nothing new, but it certainly is fun (you may need an appreciation of low budget `so-bad-they're-good' type movies to really enjoy it).
7/10 if I woke up on Groundhog Day and had to watch this again, I could live with that