I loved the first ‘Transporter’ film. Then I watched the second offering and loved that, too. Naturally, I then watched the third when it came out and found it totally forgettable – being the only one of the three I didn’t bother buying on DVD. I don’t know what kind of mood I was in that day – maybe I was annoyed and something and not in the right frame of mind of that kind of film? Either way, I saw ‘Part 3’ was on an online streaming service and decided to give it another go.

Now, I think most of us won’t expect the third outing of a B-movie type action franchise to rival Shakespeare, but – this time – I found it really good fun. If you’ve seen either of the previous instalments then you’ll know the drill: Jason ‘The Stath’ Statham plays a practically indestructible hero, Frank Martin, as he has to ‘transport’ a ‘package’ from Point to Point B. He does this through his ability to drive a car faster than anyone pursuing him and also beat the living daylights out of armies of faceless henchmen who always only attack him one at a time.
Nothing new on the ‘plot front,’ unless you consider moving the film’s location from sunny Florida to cloudy Eastern Europe. And, this time, the ‘package’ is a young woman (with more freckles than I’ve ever seen on an actress (Natalya Rudakova) – nothing wrong with that, just unusual in a Hollywood type film in my opinion!). So, together they have to evade, escape and generally obliterate anyone and everyone standing in their way. Yes, it’s definitely not Shakespeare.
So, if you’re in the mood for a mindless action film which, keeping in tone with the previous two, never really takes itself too seriously, give it a go. Now I’ve seen it again and appreciated it for what it was (I have no idea why I didn’t like it the first time round!) I’m definitely going to add this one to my DVD collection. Although, as it stands, I have still refused to watch the ‘reboot’ as I truly believe that no one will ever be able to deliver a package from Amazon quite like Jason Statham.
7/10 if I woke up on Groundhog Day and had to watch this again, I could live with that
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