The Campaign - Low-brow, but fun political satire
I think that, living in Britain and being brought up on such classics as `Yes, Minister' and `The Thick of It,' the bar has been raised pretty high when it comes to political satire. The Campaign is about two political rivals, vying to be Senator in America. It's not as clever as either of the British TV shows; it's more low-brow and slapstick - definitely not as clever. However, it's still good in its own way.

It really doesn't matter who wins as the story comes secondary to seeing the two leads send up politicians in general for the lying, patronising, amoral, self-serving cads they are with their polished manufactured image and double-standards (I could go on).
Maybe The Campaign is a sad sign of the times? Once upon a time politicians were respected figures of authority. Now they're so unpopular that they're easy fodder to be sent up - and we enjoy seeing them presented like this.
It may not be a classic, but it has enough `laugh out loud' moments to make it definitely worth a watch.
8/10 The Force is definitely strong with this one
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