The One is about the `multiverse.' For anyone not up on modern sci-fi, that's the premise that there are countless different universes, all running parallel to our own. Here we see Jet Li, travelling from one universe to the next, killing the other versions of himself until there is only one left. The One, to be precise.

The One came out between the Matrix 1 and 2 and many people said, why wait for the Matrix's sequel, just watch The One. I can see where they're coming from. The two films are certainly in the same genre, mixing science-fiction with slow-motion martial arts fight scenes.
Personally, I don't think it's as good as the (first) Matrix and it may not have quite the budget of the sequels, but it's definitely worth a look for those sci-fi/martial arts fans.
I'm not sure whether women would be The One's target audience, it may be more for the boys to cheer on as hapless extras are punched and kicked in all manner of unrealistic directions to the sound of pumping rock anthems.
Don't let Statham's questionable American accent put you off. Give it a go. I give The One The Seven.
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