Believe it or not, Britain did make decent gangster films prior to Guy Ritchie’s arrival with ‘Lock Stock’ style of film-making. And, one of those that has and probably always will be eclipsed by Ritchie’s way of film-making will be ‘Face.’ And that’s slightly surprising as it has two – reasonably – big names in British cinema in the lead roles – Robert Carlyle and Ray Winstone.
Perhaps one of its ‘flaws’ (and I put that word in quotes because, personally, I don’t consider it a flaw) is the way it’s directed. It’s hardly an exercise in style. Ritchie’s ‘Lock Stock’ films were that rare breed that seamlessly blended style AND substance. Well, Face does have the substance to be a great film, it just doesn’t have the style.

It’s about a bank robbery gone wrong (yes, I know that brief summary also sums up Reservoir Dogs, but, trust me, it’s nothing like that). The criminals get away with the loot, but someone wants it all and are prepared to use – lethal – force to get it.
Okay, so it doesn’t have the style of Lock Stock or the instant cool of a Tarrantino movie, but it is a good little number in its own right. If you’re into your gangster films and aren’t looking for something ‘uber-cool’ then you could do worse than watch this one.
You’ll probably find it on TV late at night, or as part of a TV/Movie streaming service. If so, it’s definitely worth a watch.
8/10 The Force is definitely strong with this one
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