Saturday, 29 June 2024

Troll (2022) - Well... I liked it!

I was actually surprised at the level of dislike this movie received when I came to review it online.  Okay, it's no masterpiece, but it's great fun with really good special effects and totally enjoyable to watch.

Set in Norway, a team of miners accidentally unleash a giant troll which goes on the rampage through the country.  I see a lot of people saying how this is effectively 'Godzilla, but with a troll.' And it is.  But is that so bad?

The fact that it's set in Norway with actors who are definitely 'non-Hollywood,' mixed with scenery and settings which are - again - not in America, go a long way to make this movie stand out among other similar entries in the genre.

Again, I reiterate that it's no masterpiece and that it's without flaws.  Some of the characters I found a little annoying (even though I was watching the 'English dub' of the film), such as the geeky military girl who just so happens to be able to hack a fighter jet while on mission (and then gets no punishment when caught doing so) and the obligatory high-ranking idiot who gets what's coming to him - but I mainly didn't like him due to how much he seems to look like a Norwegian version of James Corden.  

However, those annoying characters aside, the effects really do work.  Obviously, a lot of what the film-makers needed to create were done with computers and I've seen plenty of recent blockbusters with much bigger budgets look much worse than this (what's that third 'Ant-man' film again?).  I thought the troll itself was really well done and the CGI used was integrated well.

Overall, don't go expecting a classic, but there's certainly enough fun here for you to enjoy if you need your 'monster munching' fix and can find this on a streaming service.

7/10 if I woke up on Groundhog Day and had to watch this again, I could live with that

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